Lloyd Braun
JoinedTopics Started by Lloyd Braun
What's your favourite line out of a song?
by lfcviking inhere's a couple of mine;.
"eleanor rigby, waits at the window wearing a face she keeps in a jar by the door" eleanor rigby - thebeatles.. "there's a hole in my soul, you can see it im my face it's a real big place" feel - robbie williams.
Fr. Price's Website and Parish
by BlackSwan of Memphis inhttp://www.exjwsupport.com/.
hello, my name is fr.
joseph price, i am a priest in the old catholic church of north america, i grew up a jw, was heavily involved in the organization until i removed my self after 17 years.
Hanging out with JWs after you no longer believe
by B_Deserter init's starting to become harder and harder to hang out with witnesses.
all their talk about how evil the world is, etc.
i was at a gathering last night, and this older couple was their talking about how their granddaughter came back because she got a taste of how the world was, her so-called friends were freeloading off her and stealing her stuff.
We're All Gonna Live!!
by Lloyd Braun inok, so there is the opposing thread that tells us we are all going to die, now here it is, the one we've all been waiting for.... we are also all going to live... .
well, it just so happens that we have this concept called "sexual reproduction", something that the animals also have, which allows for life to continue after death.
isn't that amazing?
Why do "christians" have such a hard time explaining the bodily reserrect?
by booker-t ini have yet to find a christian that can truly explain the bodily reserrection of christ doctrine.
they become so confused after a few minutes that many of them will try to change the subject on you.
i was talking to a born-again co-worker of mine about this very subject and after 15 minutes of going over scriptures he said "you know booker-t i have never really swallowed the bodily reserrection doctrine but this is what my church teaches.
We're All Gonna Die!!
by Lloyd Braun ini began this idea in another thread, but i thought i would continue it here.
a lot of people talk about how god will ultimately punish those who get away with murder and other crimes, in the long run.
but i was thinking:.
What is your favorite Simpsons episode?
by Lloyd Braun inok, so we did the seinfeld thread, now how about homer, marge, bart, lisa and maggie?.
my favorite one has to be the one where bart gets help from homer to read a card at a presentation before mr. burns.. homer: "oooh boy card read good".. .
Thankfully Disfellowshiped Today
by Lloyd Braun ingood morning!.
last night i got disfellowshiped.
isn't that wonderful?
Christmas...pagan? or non-pagan?
by FreedomFrog ini just read a thread where one of the posters was saying christmas is not pagan.
from my research and what i remember reading up on it, it was taken from the pagans.. let me explain.
first, i apologize because i researched this about 4 years ago and i don't have all of my research material at hand.